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AWS Cloud

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Course Content


AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Introduction to Cloud Computing:

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Introduction to AWS & Azure Cloud Computing

Understanding differences between On-premises and Cloud architecture.

Understanding AWS Regions & Availability Zones.

Understanding IP Addressing & Subnetting.

Understanding Shared Infra Structure and Isolation in AWS Cloud.

Virtual Private Cloud:

What is a VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)?

VPC Architecture and Internal working of VPC.

Design and Deploy Virtual Private Cloud.

Create Subnets, Internet gateway, Routing, Security Groups and deploy EC2 machine with Key Pair.

VPC Peering:

Single & Multi-Region VPC Peering.

Configure Intra VPC and Inter-VPC Peering.

Real time use cases of AWS VPC Peering.

Problems with VPC Peering and solutions.

NAT Gateway

What is Network Address Translation?

Configuring a NAT Gateway.

Securing inbound connectivity with NAT Gateway.

Understanding VPC Endpoints.

Testing the use case with VPC End Points.


How to monitor & secure VPC traffic?

What is a Security Group(SG)?

What is Network Access Control List (NACL)?

Differentiate SG vs NACL?

Testing Security Group & NACL

Understanding AWS Network Firewall

Creating Rule Groups, Firewall Policy and Deploy Firewall.

Restricting Websites and Application traffic using AWS Network Firewall.

Working with DNS Firewall

VPN Connectivity

Overview of VPN Connectivity between AWS and On-Prem DC?

What is a Virtual Private Gateway(VPG)?

Creating a Virtual Private Gateway and establish VPN Connection?

Testing the VPN Connectivity between On-Premises and AWS on private networks.

Transit Gateway.

Discussing VPC Peering issues.

What is a Transit Gateway?

Configuring Transit Gateway.

Connecting multiple VPC using Transit Gateway.


Introduction to EC2 Instances and deployment options.

EC2 Metadata, Variable Creation and AMI Creation

EC2 Launch Templates, Spot Instances & Reservations.

Introduction to Elastic Block Storage(EBS) and Instance Store.

Creating and configuration EBS Storage.

Understanding AWS Snapshots.

Performing EBS backup using Snapshots and Life Cycle Manager


Introduction to Application & Network Load Balancer.

Difference between Targets Groups and Load Balancer.

Deploy and Configure Network Load Balancer and perform load balancing.

Simulate Network Load Balancing Scenarios.

Deploy and configure Application Load Balancing.

Simulate Path-Based load balancing using multi-target groups.

SSL Certificate configuration using AWS Certificate Manager and 3rd Party Certificate Authorities.

Integrating NLB and ALB with Route53 Zones.

Introduction AWS Certificate Manager

Create Route 53 domain and Application Load Balancer.

Import SSL certificates to Load Balancer and convert HTTP to HTTPS

Configuring Route53 Failover Policies.

Introduction to CloudFront.

Configuring S3 Static Website with CloudFront.

Introduction to AWS Direct Connect and Global Accelerator.

Auto Scaling:

Introduction to EC2 Auto Scaling

Creating Custom AMI for Auto Scaling

Creating Launch Configuration and Auto Scaling Groups

Deploy the machines behind NLB and perform CPU stress testing

Simulate Auto Scaling Scenarios

Systems Manager:

Introduction to AWS Systems Manager

Using SSM RUN command for EC2 configuration Management.

Using SSM session manager for EC2 console access.

Overview on SSM Patching and Automation

AWS SMS Parameter Store

Accessing Sessions Managed using VPC Endpoints.

AWS Simple Storage Service(S3):

Introduction to AWS Simple Storage Service(S3)

Creating S3 buckets, versioning, static hosting and log configuration

Creating bucket policies for granular S3 items access

Creating Bucket wide replication and Life Cycle Policies.

Introduction to Elastic File System (EFS)

Creating EFS between AZs and testing data consistency.

Introduction to Storage Gateway and Deploying it.

Introduction to AWS Glacier and creating vaults.

Introduction to FSx and AWS Backup


Introduction Databases and SQL vs NoSQL

Deploy MySQL RDS Multi-AZ Database

Create a new DB on RDS and alter the data.

Perform Failover and Failback of RDS Database

Introduction to DynamoDB

Create a Serverless application using DynamoDB, API Gateway & AWS Lambda.


Introduction Cloudwatch, Dashboards, Alarms,

Cloud Watch Logs and Schedules with Lambda

Infra as a Code(IaaC) with Cloudformation and version with GitHub

AWS AP & Resource audit with Cloud Trial & AWS Config.

Automation with OpsWorks and Automated deployment with Aws Elastic BeanStalk.

Working with Trusted Advisor, Service Catalog, License Manager & Personal Health Dashboard.


Introduction to AWS IAM (Identity & Access Management)

Creating Users, Roles, Groups and Security Policies.

Restricting User Access and Cross Account Roles.

Deploy AWS AD Directory Service, Create AWS Organization.

Integration AWS Active Directory Service with Single Sign On.

Introduction to AWS Resource Access manager(RAM), Inspector and Guard Duty.

Understanding Cognito, KMS, Macie, CloudHSM& WAF.

AWS Migration:

AWS Migration overview

Deploying AWS Service Migration Service.

Integrate SMS with VMware vSphere environment.

Create replication job for copying On-prem machine to AWS.

Introduction to Database Migration Service (DMS).

Overview of migration a MySQL to RDS using DMS.

Migrate data using DataSync.

Introduction of AWS Migration Hub.


Introduction to Automation & Configuration Tools.

Understanding Infra as a Code(IaaC)

Deploy infrastructure using Cloudformation, Stacksets.

Cloudformation macros and Nested stacks.

Introduction to Terraform.

Understanding Terraform Vs CloudFormation.

Deploying & Destroying AWS environment with Terraform.

Introduction to Packer.

AWS Lambda:

Understanding AWS Lambda.

Creating functions using Python in Lambda and understanding contexts and events.

Introduction to Boto Library and integrating with Lambda.

Integrating AWS Lambda with other AWS Services.